Children party

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Children birthday party

Due to various circumstances, not all parents have the means to provide their children with a birthday party. The 'Children Birtyday Parties' project is aimed at children aged 5 to 12 years old, residing in Breda and the surrounding area, for whom hosting a birthday party is not a given. Aartsen Kids Foundation (AKF) has thoughtfully put together fun and complete packages at various locations in Breda.

To reach these children, AKF has partnered with various assistance organizations such as the Centrum voor jeugd en gezin (CJG), Instituut voor Maatschappelijk Werk (IMW), etc. These assisting organizations are closely connected with many schools and families, allowing them to directly identify which child could benefit from the 'Children Birthday Parties' project.

Make a child happy.

As a caregiver, you can use the form below to register a child. We'll review this request and get back to you as soon as possible.